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Website Content Marketing Service


When people use Google to find information about a specific topic, they usually use a combination of words to perform a search, such as “fix my leaky aircon”. If your business repaired aircons, and over 100x people were searching for that keyword (per month), it would be highly valuable for your business to appear on the first page of Google. However, unless you have content on your site that covers that specific topic, you’ll never appear for that query. This content service will find these types of keywords for your company, create optimized articles for each one and schedule them to be posted to your site (monthly), which helps it rank for valuable search terms.

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Free Google Traffic Scheduled Website Content

Free Google Traffic

Although paid advertising is important for most online marketing campaigns, getting free traffic from Google should be priority for most businesses. Quality content that is optimized for specific Google searches can bring potential customers to your site without you having to pay for each click.
Long-term Growth Scheduled Website Content

Long-term Growth

After content is posted to your site, it can take a number of weeks to rank, and may often need some additional promo to get on the first page of Google. Thus, content marketing is a long-term strategy, but the rewards of earning free visitors (who have searched for your services) is worth it.
Keyword Rankings Scheduled Website Content

Keyword Rankings

Most articles that are posted to your site will be focused around a specific keyword. This keyword will have 100+ searches per month and lowish competition. For every piece of content posted, your website can rank in Google for the target keyword and this will increase its visibility and traffic.
Website Relevance Scheduled Website Content

Website Relevance

Google loves sites that have lots of content centered around a specific topic. Provided your articles are high quality and engages your visitors, your entire domain receives a relevancy boost that increases authority in the search engine. This results in better positions in Google, even for new posts.
Value Proposition Scheduled Website Content

Value Proposition

When people arrive on your article from a Google search, it is a great opportunity for you to offer value before trying to convert them. We will create content that explores a topic fully, offers actionable tips and has a clear call to action, which will encourage the reader to use your business services.
Monthly Reports Scheduled Website Content

Monthly Content

Regular content that is posted to your site will have a positive impact on your organic traffic, which ultimately means more leads and sales for your company. In addition to posting the articles on a monthly schedule and tracking keywords, we will build visual reports that will highlight improvements.


Scheduled Blog Content - Step 1

Keyword research and competition analysis – The first thing that we do is perform extensive keyword research to discover potential search phrases (that people type into Google) that are related to your business niche. This usually results in about 500-1000 keywords per product or service, which we then sort based on volume, removing anything that gets less than 100 per month. The next step is removing keywords that are not ideal for your site (vague, unrelated, etc) and identifying ones that have high commercial intent (such as “affordable website design”), which will be prioritized as they have a high chance to convert into new customers. Lastly, we analyse the competition of each one and pick a couple gems for your new posts.
Scheduled Blog Content - Step 2

Topic research, content creation and visuals – With the target keyword in mind, the task of creating the article is assigned to one of our writers. Before they can start however, they usually spend around 1-2 hours researching the topics, to ensure that they fully understand the content. This also gives our writers an opportunity to plan the structure of each article and to think about the different ways that the content can convert a reader into a new client for your business. The writing process takes another 3-4 hours on average and the goal is always to produce exceptional content that is engaging for your readers. Lastly, a couple images are included where appropriate and are fully licensed to avoid copyright issues in the future.
Scheduled Blog Content - Step 3

On-page SEO, post upload, shares and report – Once the 1000w article is complete, it is time to optimize it to maximize the ranking potential. Instead of getting our writers to do this, it is assigned to our SEO experts, who focus on three major areas of on-page optimization. They make sure that the target keyword is present in a few locations, add a few variations of it and include a couple LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) phrases to improve overall relevancy. Once the article is fully optimized, it is posted to your site (along with necessary meta information and graphical elements) and it’s shared on all your social media accounts. Lastly, we keep track of the target keyword(s) on a monthly basis and include all activities in your progress report.



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Although we will still review all your potential destinations, where would you prefer to post your content? (Step 2/4)

Google's primary goal is to display the best search results when specific search queries are entered. We can create articles around these (that Google will love) and post them so your site has potential to rank for them.

If your business offers a couple of products or core services, your website should have a page assigned to each one. We can create these for you, post them (and link them up), and ensure that you always are up to date.

If you would love to position your brand as an authoritative source of new information for people interested in your industry (and upsell services or products when possible), we can write and post them to your site.

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Your Business Information

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While this information is optional, it allows us to customize our service to meet your specific business needs (Step 3/4)

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